Visitation Policy


This document is to provide the Community, Residents, and Staff in Florida guidance for in-person visitation under Section 408.823, Florida Statutes; also known as the “No Patient Left Alone Act.”


The Community will designate the Administrator as the person responsible for ensuring staff adhere to the Visitation Policy and Procedure.

Safety related policies and procedures are not more stringent than those established for staff of the Community. Visitors are not required to provide proof of any vaccination or immunization. This policy allows consensual physical contact between a Resident and Visitor.

The Community recognizes Resident may designate a Visitor who is a family member, friend, guardian, or other individual as an essential caregiver. The Community will allow in-person visitation by the essential caregiver for at least 2 hours daily in addition to any other authorized visitation.

The Community does not require caregiver to provide necessary care to a Resident. The designated essential caregiver will be documented in Resident’s electronic medical record and updated upon the Resident’s request.

Residents are allowed in-person visitation in all the following circumstances, unless the Resident objects:

End-of-life situations:

Resident who was living with family before being admitted to the provider’s care is struggling with the change in environment and lack of in-person family support;

Resident is making one or more major medical decisions;

Resident is experiencing emotional distress or grieving the loss of a friend or family member who recently died;

Resident needs cueing or encouragement to eat or drink which was previously provided by a family member or caregiver; and/or

Resident who used to talk and interact with others is seldom speaking.

The Community has no limit on the number of Visitors per Resident. The Community may limit the total number of Visitors allowed in the facility at any given time based on the ability of staff to safely screen and monitor the space used to accommodate the Visitors and based on adherence to the infection control protocols of physical distancing.

Visitors are welcome to visit at any time. General visiting hours are from 8:00 am – 8:00 pm. After 8:00 pm, Visitors should use the doorbell at the front door and wait for staff to provide them with access. There is no limitation on the visitation length.

The Community will screen the Visitor per the Community’s infection control policy and procedure. The Community will document the name of the individual, the date, and time of entry. Visitors who currently meet the criteria for quarantine based on the Community’s infection control policy should not enter the Community.

Visitors will be provided education on the Community’s infection control precautions.

This policy does not prohibit visits if the Resident to be visited is quarantined, tested positive, or showing symptoms of a communicable disease. Visits in these circumstances will require a higher level of Personal Protective Equipment (“PPE”) than standard masks. PPE will be provided to the Visitor and will be in accordance with the most recent CDC guidance for healthcare workers.

The Community does not require Visitors to agree in writing to follow the visitation policies and procedures. However, if the Visitor has violated the policies and procedures, the Community may suspend in-person visitation for the specific individual.